Confessions of a Struggling Writer #1


This blog post was originally published on Maddie & Books on 22nd April 2015. Whilst the blog still exists as an archive, I no longer chose to post there and thus have decided to move some of the content here to share with all of you.
It has been one of those months. I've been sat writing, working away at A Fall From Grace and I've hit the point where I am wondering what is the point? 

What is the point of writing?
Why am I doing this?
Why do I keep doing this to myself?
If I am completely honest, I have no idea. I fell into writing. It's a cliche I know, but it's true. I fell into writing. It found me when I was in place where I needed something to help me escape. Whilst other people in my teens were experimenting with drug, alcohol and sex; I experimented with prose. 
Sure writing has its ups and downs but that is what I enjoy. I love how writing will pull me from one extreme to the next. I believe because of the type of person I am, I will always have these doubts. Some days I want to self A Fall From Grace and work on something else. Though this is a solution I would never be able to follow through. Bridget, Joe and co will never leave my head if I don't finish their story and they won't let it go until I do.
Will it be worth it? I don't know but until I finish it, I'll never know.
I best better get back to writing. 

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