6 Vegan Youtubers I watch


When I first started dabbling into changing my diet, YouTube was a lifeline for me. There's such a wealth of information out there, but it can be easy to fall down the wrong rabbit hole. When my interest in veganism was piqued, I ended up looking at YouTubers that were promoting a lifestyle that I knew wouldn't be sustainable for me in the long term. As much as I like fruit and vegetables, I couldn't eat them raw all day every day. I struggle enough trying to get myself to eat the same thing two days in a row. Not that there is anything wrong with a raw diet. If it works for you, that's great and you keep doing you.
If you're interested in veganism, here for 6 YouTubers I watch, that you may find useful.

1. Pick Up Limes

Sadia is a registered dietitian and makes informative videos. I find her open and friendly personality to be really inviting, and her passion for each subject she discusses comes across as genuinely sincere.

2. Caitlin Shoemaker

Caitlin is a great source of inspiration, especially if you are on a budget, a student or if you are starting out.

3. Hot For Food

I love Lauren! Her recipes look amazing (side note, this one is delicious. I've made it myself.) I want to try everyone her recipes. She's very knowledgeable on veganism and her creativity appears to know no bounds, check out Recipe!? if you don't believe me.

4. Madeleine Olivia

I discovered her, quite recently and ended up binge watching her videos. It's actually rare I binge watch anyone's content. I find her incredibly relateable, and the fact we both have the same first name (spelt exactly the same too!) will always score favour with me.

5. Rae Likes Froot

I think I first discovered her through vegan Facebook groups in 2016, but I may be wrong. Either way her hauls are incredibly helpful especially as she features a lot of non vegan products and doesn't try to shove organic down your throat - not that there is anything wrong with going organic if you can afford it.

6. That Vegan Couple

Now I suspect this can be a little controversial with people. I have been watching Natasha and Luca for the longest of all the vegan YouTubers I watch. While I don't like some of images used such as those of inside factory farming, but I understand it gets the point across. Despite this, I do find that they often give very informative responses in their videos.

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