List: 30 before 30
This April, I turned 25. Turning 25 I half expected a panic to wash over me because if I was a piece of clothing, I'd be classed as vintage. Instead, I didn't panic and I still haven't. I just accepted for perhaps the first time in my life that I am getting older and there is nothing in the world that can change that. However, I can change the experiences I have of those years. So after some consideration and the realisation that I have spent the last two years essentially doing nothing thanks to my illness, I have decided that I am going to make a change to that and come up with a bucket list of things I would like to achieve in the near future before I turn 30. 30 might be five years away but if life has taught me anything is that those five years will come quicker than I want them to. They won't take forever to come like a Friday evening does when it is Monday.
- Finish my novel.
- Edit a novel.
- Get a novel published.
- Make £100 or more from writing alone.
- Learn to cut up raw chicken. Touching raw chicken creeps me out. However I can't rely on my mum forever to cut it up and I'd rather learn to cut up chicken than buy it already cut up.
- Walk a half marathon.
- Complete a no electronics weekend. We are so attached to our computers, phones, etc that I just want to try one weekend without it all.
- Complete a weekend without writing for fun. I spend far too much time writing, maybe a weekend off is what I need.
- Get into a sleeping pattern.
- Master Eyeliner.
- Read the classics.
- Travel alone.
- Learn the basics in five different languages - English doesn't count. For me, the basics in a language are hello, goodbye, please, thank you, no and yes.
- Rent/Buy property.
- Build my brand as a writer.
- Master the German language. I have already mastered what I consider to be the basics, but I want to learn more and be able to hold a conversation.
- Learn more recipes by heart. There are some recipes that I know of by heart or I just eyeball the measurements such as soup. But, I would like to be able to add more recipes so I can cook more things that aren't just soup and pasta.
- Build up my savings.
- Go scuba diving.
- Run a 5k. This one will probably be difficult to achieve given I can't really walk unaided at the moment. Then again, no one said there wouldn't be any challenges.
- Get healthy. This one is really up in the air over what healthy is, it's really a subjective statement. I just want to get down to a healthy weight and get into a healthy place mentally.
- Be more comfortable in my body. I'd like to think I am pretty comfortable already in my body but I think there is more I can do to be more comfortable in the only skin I have.
- Be more accepting.
- Be less guarded.
- Build relationships that matter.
- Swim in the sea.
- Write more letters.
- Be more put together.
- Reduce bad habits.
- Make better choices.