
Six things Chronically Ill people need to learn


I feel like this is going to be a bit of an inflammatory post, I really do, especially within the spoonie community, or whatever it is we are calling ourselves these days. Are we warriors, spoonies, or munchkins? I don’t know. What I do know is that there are things some chronically ill people need to learn. I find a lot of the community to be incredibly negative and it personally puts me off.

1. You are not your illness.
You were a person before you got ill and you are still a person. Whatever your illness is, it doesn’t define you. If you were Andrea with the multi-coloured hair before you got ill, as long as dying your hair doesn’t make you worse – I know with some illnesses you become really sensitive to things so don’t make yourself ill to prove a point – you can still be Andrea with the multi-coloured hair. I’m still the same person I was before the diagnosis. I just move a little slower and rattle a little more than I did.


Diving With A Chronic Illness


In the summer, I learnt to dive. Which is something I never thought I would be able to do, mostly due to my chronic illnesses, but mostly because the water in the UK is freezing! Luckily, my dad invited me to join him on a trip to Thailand where both the weather and the water is much warmer when you compare it to a British summer. He was there to do his dive master course, and I thought I was there to try and get out of the rut of being chronically ill and chronically unemployed. However, he was insistent that I at least try the open water dive course to see if I liked it. As it turned out, I loved it. Then again, I was bound to love it as I've always enjoyed being in the water.

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