25 Facts About Me...


So, on Sunday I am turning 26 years old. I thought that I would be bothered about it, but I’m not. Getting older just doesn’t seem to bother me, it hasn’t for a long, long time. I actually quite like getting older because I like to reflect and see how I’ve changed and what I did over the year. I know some people don’t like to reflect, especially when they have lost someone throughout the year, but I think if you are constantly wanting to evolve as a person then this is an important practice to get into. Or maybe I’m just weird like that.

  1. I may no longer care about getting older, but when I was 9 turning 10 terrified me because entering double digits meant I was getting older and thus becoming an adult.
  2. I fractured my arm when I was 9 by falling off a seesaw. 
  3. I chipped a bone in my foot when I was 20 and I have no idea how I managed it, all I know is it hurt and I was on crutches for almost a month. I didn’t fall over and it wasn’t a drunk injury like the nurse at the hospital tried to suggest to me it probably was. I know it wasn’t because during the whole night out the only alcohol I had was one vodka and red bull.
  4. Talking of red bull, I don’t handle caffeine very well. I become jittery and very hyperactive. 
  5. I don’t drink tea or coffee. Occasionally I will have hot chocolate but not often.
  6. I have written and published a short story. You can find it here.
  7. I have also written a novel, it is currently being edited. I am hoping to get it traditionally published.
  8. My taste in music is a little weird. I don’t look like the type of person to like heavy metal, but I do. The less top 40 and the louder it is, the better for me.
  9. My dad is to blame for my taste in music. He used to play 80’s music when I was in the womb, he introduced me to the Foo Fighters when I was pretty young and flat out refused to buy me a Spice Girls cd for Christmas. Instead, I got the best of M People because “Santa thinks you need a better taste in music. It’s a good cd, I still have it, but I never got the Spice Girls one.
  10. On average I have gone to A&E once for every year of my life because I am clumsy.
  11. My clumsiness is partly due to the fact I am hypermobile. I’m pretty sure that part of it is just because I am completely uncoordinated.
  12. As a child, I collected coins. You know, like all normal people do. God, I was a weird child.
  13. As an adult, I collect illnesses. I kid a little but it’s true. You can read about my fibromyalgia here.
  14. I actually collect fountain pens.
  15. The furthest I have travelled is to Thailand.
  16. When in Thailand, I contracted Dengue Fever. It wasn’t pleasant, in fact I ended up suffering for a while after I came back. – I need to write up about this.
  17. I studied Journalism and English at university. After the first semester, I realised it wasn’t for me but I stuck it out because I didn’t want drop out and start again the following September. I didn’t want to get into the same rut I was in at college.
  18. The longest my hair has ever reached is just below my waist, but that was 15 years ago. The shortest it has been is a pixie.
  19. It took me just over two years after graduating to find any sort of employments – so don’t feel bad if you don’t have a job after graduation.
  20. I’m a chronic nail-biter, but I have periods where I manage not to chew them.
  21. Despite being a 20-something millennial, I am not tech savvy. I’m the type of person who has to take their laptop to get fixed because they’ve deleted the built-in speakers – this is sadly a fact, I have actually deleted the built-in speakers before.
  22. I am very close with my grandparents. I have been since I was little. I really like being close with them.
  23. I have one brother. He’s just under a year younger than I am. We are polar opposites. I go crashing through things and he’ll cautiously wade through the destruction I’ve just created.
  24. With my wisdom teeth, I have 28 teeth because as a teenager my mouth was too small to accommodate all my teeth. I also needed braces because the lack of space and thumb sucking had messed up my teeth.
  25. As a small child, I convinced the optician I needed glasses when I did. Jokes on me now because I actually need glasses all the time.

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