
The outfit I’ll never wear again


Admittedly, I’m not super proud of this story. It doesn’t paint me in the best light, however I do think that it is an interesting story. I wrote this piece for the Elle Writing Competition. It didn’t win - clearly, otherwise I wouldn’t be posting it - but I still think it’s worth posting.


Head pounding, like my brain was repeatedly butting against the front of my skull punishing me for the previous night’s actions. I tried to push myself up, my arms were too weak to push past the weight of my chest, the realisation of what I’d done. That, and the actual arm of the man laid next to me on the tiny single bed. I reached down towards the floor, hoping to find my glasses and maybe what was left of my dignity and common sense.
I found nothing.


Travelling While Chronically Ill


Travelling at the best of times can be stressful, confusing and tiring. Now imagine whilst doing that whilst you’re ill. It can be incredibly difficult at times, but the rewards of travelling making it more than worth it. I’ve travelled numerous times since being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I’ve gathered a few tips that I think are invaluable when travelling with a chronic illness.


6 Vegan Youtubers I watch


When I first started dabbling into changing my diet, YouTube was a lifeline for me. There's such a wealth of information out there, but it can be easy to fall down the wrong rabbit hole. When my interest in veganism was piqued, I ended up looking at YouTubers that were promoting a lifestyle that I knew wouldn't be sustainable for me in the long term. As much as I like fruit and vegetables, I couldn't eat them raw all day every day. I struggle enough trying to get myself to eat the same thing two days in a row. Not that there is anything wrong with a raw diet. If it works for you, that's great and you keep doing you.
If you're interested in veganism, here for 6 YouTubers I watch, that you may find useful.

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